Dungeon Level 1
Ok, I am exhausted.
This map kicked the ever-living donkey out of me. It's just
too big, with too many details. I thought I was done, then
found 14 mistakes and had to go back and touch-up the details.
Some things would have taken so long to fix that I just accepted
them as they are.
I made a few changes to
this map, mostly because I think some of the corridors in the
original were a bit random, without much reason for going where they
go. Some were also diagonal without needing to be, and
diagonals can be tricky to work with and play on. I chose not
to include the secret door to the Air shaft. I noticed it
missing a bit late in the design process, and realized that it made
little sense in the grand scheme of things (for example, the module
mentions narrow stairs on this level, but doesn't mention them on
level 2 where it ends)
This is by far the
largest map I have done and probably will do. It's a monstrous
7,000 x 9,000 pixels. To preserve
Bandwidth, the thumbnail to the right opens the 25 dpi version, not
the 100 dpi version. Click on the link for the full
Alternatively, I have
produced a version with a grid and white background for those who
want to save ink. Eventually, I might produce PDFs for
battlemap printing, but I think you will have to be a bit crazy to
print this thing. If printed, it would span 5 ft, 10 inches
wide by 7 ft, 6 inches long!
Detail Examples:

Starry Starry

Lab Monkey
Rampage |

A Pyramid Scheme

Treatment |

Night Light! |

Bone to Pick

Dungeon Level 1
(25 dpi)
FULL SIZE (100 dpi) -
8.5 MB

With Grid (25 dpi)
dpi) - 9.6 MB
The original map
