
Nulb Market (Day &
By Supercaptain
Steve whipped up this
very cool map of the market in Nulb. It should come in handy
if the party decides to start some trouble in town. He also
did a night-time modification. Very nice.

1200 x 800 (377 K) |

1200 x 800 (253 K) |

Temple of Elemental Evil
- Front Gates
By Supercaptain
Just when I thought Steve Gaudreau only did pretty pictures, he
comes out with this black rose of map making. This is
wonderfully dark and sinister, and a welcome interpretation of the
front gates of the Temple of Elemental Evil (see my maps). He
took a few liberties with scale and added a few interesting
elements, but I think it's amazing.

2200 x 2600 (2.2 MB) |

Temple of Elemental Evil
- Front Gates Redux
By Supercaptain
Steve remade the temple front gates to be more in line with the
original module, and it is absolutely stunning. He created his
own gargoyles for this map - they rock! (pun intended)
Also, his use of dark, sickly vegetation is perfect.

2200 x 2600 (2.2 MB) |

Temple of Elemental Evil
- Random Encounter Maps
By Supercaptain
Steve remade the temple front gates to be more in line with the
original module, and it is absolutely stunning. He created his
own gargoyles for this map - they rock! (pun intended)
Also, his use of dark, sickly vegetation is perfect.

196 x 828 (381 K) |

1700 x 1700 (1 MB) |

1184 x 1184 (593 K) |